Home / Education / 12th Annual Probate Law Conference

12th Annual Probate Law Conference

The only probate conference you'll ever need!

Probate-web_0924The Massachusetts Bar Association welcomes all probate law practitioners to the 12th Annual Probate Law Conference, which will be held in person at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center on Friday, Nov. 22nd, from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The conference offers six program tracks consisting of 21 probate topics.

Whether your focus is on estate planning, administration, probate litigation or guardianship/conservatorship matters, this conference provides something for everyone, from aspiring to veteran practitioners.

Choose from six different program tracks or mix-and-match to customize your own learning experience.

Course topics include:

  • Late and Limited Proceedings and Land Court Issues: Clearing the Confusion
  • Drafting and Using Testamentary Trusts
  • MassHealth Update
  • Updates in Probate Law and Practice
  • Sophisticated Issues in Guardianships and Conservatorships
  • MUTC for Litigators
  • Estate and Income Tax Basics
  • Planning with LLCs, LPs, S Corps and FLPs and the Corporate Transparency Act
  • Capacity Issues and Burden Shifting
  • Legal and Fiduciary Fees in Estate and Fiduciary Litigation


Registration for this event is now closed.

If you are still interested in attending, contact MBA Staff at

Sales of the printed publication are closed. If you are interested in the printed bound book email

2024 Probate Law Schedule - FINAL
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