
CLE Program

Sixth Annual Public Law Conference


Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Runtime: 5:00h

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The Sixth Annual Public Law Conference for state and local government attorneys will focus upon the intersection of the private lives of public employees. State law, regulations and employer policies impose limitations upon what public employees can do, both “on” and “off the clock.” But such regulation often raises questions of the employee’s First Amendment and privacy rights, among other thorny issues. How far can — or should — the government, as employer, go in regulating employee conduct? This question is the heart of this year’s conference.


Divided into two panel discussions, the program will include a review of various legal restrictions upon public employee activity, such as the state Conflict of Interest Law, as well as consideration of the various competing interests that arise when the government as employer attempts to restrict or regulate employee conduct, from both the public employer and public employee perspectives.


The conference keynote speaker is the Hon. Timothy S. Hillman, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. In addition to serving as both a state and federal court judge, Hillman’s career has included serving as counsel for several cities and towns. Recently appointed Inspector General Glenn A. Cunha will also participate as a panelist.


Click here for the conference brochure.


Stacey G. Bloom, Esq., Conference Co-chair
Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, Boston
Kathleen Colleary, Esq., Conference Co-chair
Massachusetts Dept. of Revenue, Div. of Local Services, Boston
Brian C. O'Donnell, Esq., Conference Co-chair
Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General
Michele E. Randazzo, Esq., Conference Co-chair
Kopelman & Paige, PC, Boston
Ira Fader, Esq., Panelist
Staff Counsel, Legal Services, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Boston
Robert Fitzgerald, Panelist
The Lorenzi Group, LLC, Topsfield
Linda M. Hamel, Esq., Panelist
Massachusetts Exec. Office for Admin. and Finance, Information Technology Div., Boston
Jenny Hedderman, Esq., Panelist
Massachusetts Office of the Comptroller, Boston
Judy A. Levenson, Esq., Panelist
Brody, Hardoon, Perkins & Kesten, LLP, Boston
Henry C. Luthin, Esq., Panelist
First Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Boston
Jeffrey J. Pyle, Esq., Panelist
Prince Lobel Tye LLP, Boston

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