This series kicked off with a session in February and brown bag lunches in
April and May. There has been strong interest from members of the bar in
continuing to provide programming on alternative means and paths toward
resolution of civil litigation during the pandemic.
Please join us for another program featuring different Superior Court judges.
These sessions offer an opportunity to keep an ongoing dialogue between the
bench and the bar on how to advance civil cases this year.
This webinar will be hosted using Zoom. Registration is required
by 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 10, to participate in this program.
After you register with the MBA, please look for an email from MassBar
Education with the Webinar ID and Password. The email will be sent
before the program on June 10.
Michael Hayden, Esq., Program Chair
Morrison Mahoney LLP, Boston
Vincent DePalo, Esq., Moderator
Smith Duggan Cornell & Gollub LLP, Boston
Hon. Elaine Buckley, Panelist
Suffolk County Superior Court, Boston
Hon. Jane Mulqueen, Panelist
Hampden County Superior Court, Springfield
Hon. William Sullivan, Panelist
Plymouth County Superior Court, Brockton