
On Demand Program

The Intersection of College Expenses, Financial Aid and Divorce


Date Aired: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Runtime: 1:30h

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Divorce attorneys owe a responsibility to their clients to thoroughly address, to the extent possible, the myriad issues that will arise when their children reach college age. Too often, these issues are given short shrift because:

  • The parties' children are young at the time of the divorce.
  • The parties (or their attorneys) have never been through the college financial process and thus have little to no information about the experience that awaits them.
  • Often, in the heat of the moment, the pressing issues of asset division and support take up all the oxygen in the room.

Attorneys may brush aside the issue with the old chestnut, “You can just file a modification.” However, the reality is that some, if not significant, planning is possible in many instances. Failure to meet the question head on at the time of the divorce could do a great disservice to clients.

In this program, learn how to better protect your client by dealing with future college expenses and related issues at the time of the divorce.

This webinar was hosted using Zoom.


Crissa Morton, Esq., Program Chair
Michael I. Flores PC, Orleans
Hon. Kevin Connelly, Panelist
Plymouth Probate and Family Court, Plymouth
Nicole Barrasso, Esq., Panelist
Michael I. Flores PC, Orleans
Jodi Conway, Panelist
Conway College Aid, LLC, Hyannis

Sponsoring Sections:

Family Law Section

NOTE: This is a previously recorded MBA On Demand product.
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System Requirements
Read the On Demand system requirements and view an On Demand product demonstration. If you have questions regarding On Demand products or how to use the software, contact Senior Programs Manager Marc A. D'Antonio, Esq. at (617) 338-0646 or email Marc.

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