
On Demand Program

Making a Difference in the Lives of Children, Families and Communities


Date Aired: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Runtime: 2:00h

Program Code:


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Opening the Door: Discovering Child Welfare Practice in the Massachusetts Juvenile Court

Chief Justice of the Juvenile Court Amy L. Nechtem is moderating a panel at Suffolk University Law School on Oct. 17, from 4-6 p.m., to educate new attorneys, third-year law students and attorneys of all levels of experience about the rewarding work of juvenile justice and child welfare practice. Come meet Chief Justice Nechtem, Judge Helen Brown-Bryant and practitioners in this field who have dedicated their careers to the rewarding work of juvenile justice and child welfare practice, making a difference in the lives of children and families daily.

It is the mission of the Juvenile Court to protect children from abuse and neglect and promote opportunities for children to reside in safe, stable, permanent family environments whenever possible, to strengthen families when their children are in need of services, to rehabilitate juveniles, to protect the public from delinquent and criminal activity while holding offenders accountable and addressing the harm suffered by the community and the victim, and to decide all cases fairly and impartially with dedication, integrity and professionalism.

The program will take place both in person at Suffolk University Law School and virtually via a live webcast and is free to all members of the legal community.

 This program was hosted using Zoom.


Hon. Amy L. Nechtem, Program Co-chair
Administrative Office of the Juvenile Court-Boston, Boston
Melanie R. Jarboe, Esq., Program Co-chair
Suffolk University Law School, Boston
Toni A. Machowsky, Esq., Program Co-chair
Suffolk University Law School, Boston
Audrey C. Murillo, Esq., Program Co-chair
Massachusetts Juvenile Court, Boston
Hon. Helen Brown-Bryant, Panelist
Suffolk County Juvenile Court, Boston
Cristina F. Freitas, Esq., Panelist
CAFL Training Unit-CPCS Training Department, Lowell
Kambo Mwangi, Esq., Panelist
Mwangi Law Office, Boston
Alex Poulin, Esq., Panelist
Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Boston

Sponsoring Sections:

Juvenile & Child Welfare Law Section
Young Lawyers Division

NOTE: This is a previously recorded MBA On Demand product.
When you register, you will receive a link via email to the previously recorded MBA On Demand program and its ePublication. Your member profile will also contain a permanent link to the MBA On Demand version of the program.

System Requirements
Read the On Demand system requirements and view an On Demand product demonstration. If you have questions regarding On Demand products or how to use the software, contact Senior Programs Manager Marc A. D'Antonio, Esq. at (617) 338-0646 or email Marc.

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