
CLE Program

Sixth Annual Young Lawyers Division Symposium


Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Massachusetts Bar Association
20 West St
Boston, MA, 02111

Program Code:


Program Options:


Law Student : $0.00
MBA Member : $25.00
Non-member : $99.00

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This event is FULL.

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Generating a New Legal Landscape: Inclusive, Informed & Intentional Lawyering

The Massachusetts Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division is excited to announce that it is holding its Sixth Annual Symposium as an in-person event on Tuesday, April 9, at MBA headquarters, located at 20 West St., Boston. The symposium’s focus is on generating a new legal landscape: inclusive, informed & intentional lawyering.
The symposium will include a guest keynote address by Hon. Michelle Fentress,
who is a judge in the District Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as networking and a plenary session on mindfulness. Well-being is an important component in every attorney’s performance and resilience. This plenary session will focus on Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness for New Lawyers and Law Students. The symposium will also include multiple programming tracks designed to ensure that there is something for everyone, including:

  • Session 2A: Is ChatGPT a better lawyer than me? Demystifying the AI Legal Landscape
  • Session 2B: Clicking with Caution: Exploring cybersecurity risks and best practices for the workplace
  • Session 2C: Networking with a purpose: Working a room effectively and intentionally
  • Session 2D: Law and Democracy: Combatting the impact of recent SCOTUS decisions on our eroding rights

The MBA is excited to announce that a photographer will be at the symposium and available to take professional headshots of attendees.  Be sure to register today!

A networking reception with food and beverages will directly follow the symposium. All registrants are encouraged to join us to begin making connections with colleagues in the legal field.

*Please be sure to check out the low cost of membership for young attorneys. Your membership cost and its additional benefits are frequently much more cost-effective than our single-conference price.

Please contact to let us know which breakout session interests you, so that we can ensure the most popular sessions are in the largest rooms.

Registration is required by 9 a.m. on Monday, April 8.


Batool Raza, Esq., Symposium Co-chair
Boston Public Health Commission, Boston
Parris Lourenco, Esq., Symposium Co-chair
Office of the Comptroller of the Commonwealth, Boston
Hon. Michelle Fentress, Keynote Speaker
Massachusetts District Court, Brockton
Austin Connolly, Esq., Moderator
Delaware Life Insurance Company - Group 1001, Waltham
Michael Dickman, Esq., Moderator
Kenney & Sams PC, Southborough
Shayne Lotito, Esq., Moderator
Todd & Weld LLP, Boston
Meagan King, Esq., YLD Education Committee Member
King and Farrell Law LLC, Osterville
Casey Phillips, Esq., YLD Education Committee Member
Gesmer Updegrove, Boston
Clare Prober, Esq., YLD Education Committee Member
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo PC, Boston
Filippa Marullo Anzalone, Esq., Panelist
Assoc. Dean for Library & Technology Services, Boston College Law School, Boston
Jason Lee Baguio, Panelist
CEO/Founder, Legal Squirrel Inc., Jamaica Plain
Avana Epperson-Temple, Esq., Panelist
Associate Attorney, Peabody & Arnold LLP, Boston
Emiliano Falcon-Morano, Esq., Panelist
Policy Counsel, ACLU Massachusetts, Boston
Sophia Hall, Esq., Panelist
Deputy Litigation Director, Lawyers for Civil Rights, Boston
John Koss, Esq., Panelist
Managing Director, E-Data Consulting Group, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, PC, Boston
Jenny Hedderman, Esq., Panelist
Risk Counsel, Office of the Comptroller, Boston
Diana Li, Esq., Panelist
Associate Attorney, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Boston
Shylah Luna, Esq., Panelist
Associate Attorney, Barton Gilman LLP, Boston
Mason Marek, Esq., Panelist
Attorney, Locke Lord LLP, Boston
Desiree Murphy, Esq., Panelist
President MBWA, Senior Labor and Employment Counsel, CVS Health, Providence RI
Dyane O'Leary, Esq., Panelist
Suffolk University Law School, Boston
Kirsten Patzer, Esq., Panelist
Partner, Prince Lobel Tye, Boston
City Councillor Sumbul Siddiqui, Esq., Panelist
Cambridge City Council, Cambridge
Monica Teixeira de Souza, Esq., Panelist
Professor of Law, Roger Williams University School of Law, Bristol RI

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Young Lawyers Division

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