
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, May. 26, 2016

Notable & Quotable

  • "Judge sets new hearing date for indicted fishing magnate Carlos Rafael, sheriff's deputy," The Standard‑Times (May 25) -- MBA Criminal Justice Section Chair Peter Elikann was quoted as a legal analyst about a potential plea bargain slowing down the speed of the trial.
  • "Harried pace expected for session's finale," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 23) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy took a look at the state's legislative status in his "Healy on the Hill" column as the formal two-year session winds down.
  • "Solve it 7: Zika virus," WHDH-7 News (May 19) -- MBA President Robert W. Harnais was the featured legal expert in a "Solve it 7" case concerning a refund on plane tickets.
  • "Wine store manager can bring public policy claim," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 23) -- MBA members Juliet A. Davison, David Conforto and John Gannon were quoted as experts on employment law.
  • "Rules 'roadshow' draws crowds but critics remain," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 23) -- MBA member and plaintiffs' attorney Stuart Rossman was quoted as a litigation expert.
  • Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (May 23) -- MBA member Steven M. Veenema, who handles complex business disputes, was quoted in the Hearsay column on the impact of a claim under the federal Video Privacy Protection Act.
  • "Charges Against Man Accused of Killing Trooper Highlight Lack Of Marijuana Legal Limits For Drivers," WBZ TV (May 19) -- MBA Criminal Justice Section Chair Peter Elikann was a featured legal expert in a story about the lack of an established legal limit for marijuana in automobile accidents.