
My Bar Access this week

Thursday, Mar. 9, 2017
Cybersecurity and healthcare panel discussion with government and industry experts; Don't give in to peer pressure bullying negotiations -- and more
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Interact with your section/division on My Bar Access. Visit today to join the conversation. Recent posts include:
Questions about a new rule? Need a referral? Looking for a sample motion? Interested in learning more about your fellow members? Participate in ongoing member group discussions, which are PRIVATE and can only be viewed by MBA members who log in to the MBA's online community. My Bar Access discussions allow you to enjoy the benefits of a traditional listserv, without clogging your inbox.

Follow these simple steps to instantly connect with your fellow members:

  1. Log in and agree to terms: Sign in using your MBA user name and password, and sign the Code of Conduct.
  2. Create your profile and settings: Include your bio and photo, and customize the frequency and format of your notifications (your profile info from LinkedIn may be pulled over).
  3. Start connecting: Post blogs, discussions (listservs) or upload a resource library entry for your section(s).

There is also a My Bar Access app! Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play by searching for MassBar: My Bar Access, and instantly connect with fellow members on the go. Share practice information, documents and tips right from your phone or tablet. Make sure to set up alerts and receive notifications. Click on the section/division name from the community list in the app and then on the settings wheel to set your alert preferences.

How to download the app

massbarmembercentricTo download the MassBar: My Bar Access Mobile App:

  1. Visit your device's application store and search for the app named MassBar: My Bar Access. Save time -- use your mobile device to scan the applicable QR code.
  2. Once downloaded, launch the application.
  3. Log in using your regular MassBar: My Bar Access username (your email address) and password. You will remain logged in to the app unless you specifically log out.

Questions? Email