
Notable & Quotable: In Other News

Thursday, Mar. 9, 2017

Notable 2

Articles, blogs and other news recently shared on the Massachusetts Bar Association's social media sites.

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Ropes & Gray splitting with around 100 lawyers and staffers (Above the Law, shared by @stevemeltzer)

Law students plan to spend spring break representing immigrant families pro bono (ABA Journal)

High court nominee praised for breezy, witty writing style (Associated Press)

New book chronicles the rise and future of robot lawyers (Law Sites Blog, @bobambrogi)

Why NBA star's father is considering a lawsuit against team mascot (Rolling Stone)

If racial comments are made in jury deliberations, courts should investigate, SCOTUS says (ABA Journal)

Family of late Justice Scalia donating papers to Harvard Law School (Boston Globe)

These 10 leadership habits have been found in the world's best leaders (Inc., shared by @MassAdvocate)

How one man spent 575 days (and $43,000 in tax dollars) in jail for trespassing (New Hampshire Public Radio)

McGovern: Case puts cops at liability risk (Boston Herald, shared by @BobMcGovernJr)