“Mass. seeks law to apply OUI statutes to marijuana,” WBUR (Jan. 28).
MBA Executive Management Board member Peter T. Elikann, who represents the MBA on the Special Commission on Operating Under the Influence and Impaired Driving, was interviewed for a radio segment about the group’s recommendation that marijuana-impaired drivers be treated the same as alcohol offenders.
“#MeToo, voir dire seen as part of big-verdict bonanza,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 28). MBA members Tani E. Sapirstein, Mark M. Whitney and Peter J. Moser were quoted in a story detailing how the rise in million-dollar verdicts in employment discrimination cases is likely attributable to the #MeToo movement and the introduction of attorney voir dire.
“Insurer ‘reasonably’ denied LTD benefits to cancer patient,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 28). MBA members Jonathan M. Horne and Mala Rafik were quoted about a U.S. District Court judge’s ruling, which found that an insurer reasonably applied a pre-existing condition provision in denying long-term disability benefits to an employee whose apparent nerve disorder turned out to be cancer.
“Who’s next? Involving junior lawyers, Part 1,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 28). Hon. Douglas H. Wilkins, an MBA member and a Superior Court judge, co-wrote a special feature that discusses the need for greater opportunities for junior attorneys to gain real-world trial experience.
“West Roxbury dentist dodges fee order in spat with Yelp,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 28). MBA member Curtis B. Dooling was quoted in a Hearsay article about a recently denied anti-SLAPP motion filed by Yelp, which sought to recover attorneys’ fees even after a West Roxbury dentist voluntarily dismissed his federal lawsuit.
“Lawyers’ duties to prospective clients: a cautionary tale,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Jan. 28). MBA members Thomas E. Peisch and Erin K. Higgins wrote a column examining the obligations of a lawyer who pitches his or her services to a prospective client but does not ultimately take on the case.
“Hundreds of lawyers gather at State House to call for more legal assistance funding,” WWLP-22 News (Jan. 24). MBA President Christopher A. Kenney was featured in a TV news report recapping the 20th Annual Walk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid, which took place at the State House on Jan. 24.
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