
Featured CLE: Category D Training, Oct. 10

Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023

MassBarEducatesIn collaboration with the Probate and Family Court, the Massachusetts Bar Association is proud to sponsor the Category D training program in person at Suffolk University Law School. This program is required for anyone interested in receiving appointments under Category D of the Probate and Family Court Supreme Judicial Court 1:07 Fee Generating List.

Current Category D list members:

Everyone who is currently on the Category D list and who would like to remain on the list for 2024 must satisfy the yearly education requirement as set forth by the Administrative Office of the Probate and Family Court. The required course information is listed below. The course will be offered live and virtually on Oct. 10, 2023, and will also be available on demand. A certificate of attendance will be supplied by the MBA upon successful completion of the training, including required prompts for the virtual and on demand webcasts.

Category D applicants:

Beginning on Oct. 10, if you are applying to be placed on the Category D list, you must take the course listed below prior to submitting your application.

Category D Training 
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2-6 p.m. 
Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont St., Boston
Click here to register.

This webinar will be hosted both in person and by webcast using Zoom. Registration is required by noon on Friday, Oct. 6, to participate in this program. After you register with the MBA, please look for an email from MassBar Education with the Webinar ID and Password. The email will be sent before the program.