Starting Dec. 1, Massachusetts Bar Association members will have
free, unlimited access to Fastcase -- one of the nation's most
popular legal research services. Fastcase will provide MBA members
with nationwide coverage from state and federal courts, state
statutes and administrative regulations, as well as court rules,
constitutions and other valuable libraries.
"One of the greatest benefits of belonging to the Massachusetts
Bar Association is access to tools and services that strengthen an
attorney's practice," said MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief
Operating Officer Martin W. Healy. "We're pleased to enhance this
benefit by providing MBA members free access to Fastcase -- one of
the largest online legal research libraries, and the top-rated app
for attorneys."
Fastcase will supplant Casemaker as of Dec. 1, and MBA members
will be able to log into Fastcase in December through, using their member IDs/emails and passwords. In
addition to providing free and unlimited customer support from
experienced reference attorneys, Fastcase will sponsor
complimentary monthly training webinars and there will be short
video tutorials on the site.
"We're very excited to welcome members of the MassBar to
Fastcase," said Fastcase CEO Ed Walters. "We're just launching the
new version of Fastcase 7 in a public beta, and Fastcase was just
named the #1 app for lawyers in the ABA Tech Survey for the third
year in a row. It's an exciting time, and we're going to continue
working hard with the MassBar to provide the best for its
In addition to extensive law libraries, Fastcase also includes
several unique features:
Data visualization. Only Fastcase includes the
Interactive Timeline, a visual map of search results. Search
results in text look all the same -- but when you map them, the
best answers jump off the page.
Bad Law Bot. Fastcase includes Bad Law Bot, the
world's first big data tool for negative treatment history. When
your case has been cited with negative history, Bad Law Bot flags
the case.
Mobile sync. The ABA's 2013, 2014 and 2015 Tech
Survey showed that Fastcase's legal research apps for iPhone, iPad
and Android devices are by far the most popular mobile apps for
lawyers. Many MBA members already subscribe to Fastcase's mobile
apps. With our new member benefit, when you sync your app on the
desktop, you can save documents on your app to print later from the
desktop, share research history across your devices or create
mobile trial notebooks for tablet devices.
HeinOnline. Fastcase now integrates with
HeinOnline, the largest library of law reviews in the world, with
more than 2,000 American journals going back to the first page --
more than double the size of the law review catalog of traditional
research providers. MBA members can search the HeinOnline catalog
(which includes the Massachusetts Law Review) and view results for
free. To read individual articles, members can subscribe to Hein at
a discount. If you're already a subscriber to HeinOnline, you can
access the journals without an additional purchase.
Annotated statutes. Fastcase's statutes include
a free annotation service, so you can see how courts have
interpreted statute sections. Scroll to the bottom of a statute
section to view a list of citing cases.
Batch printing. You can use Fastcase's
dual-column printing utility to print clean copies of cases in Word
or PDF format, and you can batch print multiple cases, either in a
single document, or as a .zip file with each document saved as a
separate file. It's a quick and easy way to pull cases, in a format
that you could show a judge, opposing counsel or a client.
To access the scope of Fastcase's coverage, visit