
MBA participates in ‘This Is Your Court Day’

Issue January/February 2018

The Massachusetts Trial Court hosted “This Is Your Court Day” events in nine courthouses across the commonwealth on Nov. 8. The events provided residents in local communities with the opportunity to learn more about the court system; meet the judges, clerks, probation officers, court officers and other court employees who serve the community; and answer questions about the kinds of services local courts provide. All events were free and open to the public.

At the John Adams Courthouse in Boston, the event was geared towards Suffolk County senior citizens. Visitors to the courthouse listened to remarks from Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph Gants and Trial Court Chief Justice Paula Carey. Alex Moschella, who has chaired the MBA’s Elder Law Advisory Committee, also spoke about elder law services offered through the Massachusetts Bar Association.

Seniors had the opportunity to tour the courthouse and visit informational tables on court-related topics such as guardianship and custody, jury service, elder abuse and tax liens.