Lawyer well-being is the most important topic facing the legal community
today. Any and every opportunity should be taken to discuss, collaborate on and
address this issue. The need for action on the issue of lawyer well-being is
crucial and can no longer be ignored.
In celebration of Well-Being in Law Week, please join the Massachusetts Bar Association's Lawyer Well-Being Committee
along with an expert panel composed of lawyers in recovery and representatives
from the Board of Bar Overseers and Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. They will
discuss the findings of the NORC report on Lawyer Well-Being in Massachusetts
and issue a call to action to the legal community.
This webinar was
hosted using Zoom.
Amanda Rowan, Esq., Program Chair
Middlesex County Superior Court Clerk's Office, Lowell
Hon. Neil A. Hourihan, Panelist
Quincy District Court, Quincy
Joseph Berman, Esq., Panelist
Board of Bar Overseers, Boston
Ashely Elizabeth Hayes, Esq., Panelist
Ashley Hayes Law, Andover
Richard Hennessey, Esq., Panelist
Morrison Mahoney LLP, Boston
Shawn Healy, PhD., Panelist
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers | MassLOMAP, Boston
Kevin Maynard, Esq., Panelist
John P. Story, Esq., Panelist
Clerk, Essex County Juvenile Court