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DialALawyerDial-A-Lawyer: Free Legal Advice by Phone

Do you have a legal problem or question? Get free legal advice each month.

The Massachusetts Bar Association sponsors a monthly Dial-A-Lawyer program and encourages members of the public to call our hotline for free legal advice.

Dial-A-Lawyer attorney volunteers are in good standing and have a wide variety of legal experience.

Attorneys are available to answer questions on a variety of topics, including family law, bankruptcy, real estate, labor and consumer rights and more.

To use Dial-A-Lawyer, call (617) 338-0610 or (877) 686-0711 on the first Wednesday of the month between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. There is no limit to the number of calls you can make, or how many times you call during the year.