Join the Civil Rights & Social Justice Section for
the fourth brown bag program in a six-part series on the benefits and challenges
of remote dispute resolution in various areas of law. Section members and a
federal magistrate judge who mediates cases
in the District of Massachusetts will discuss the new reality of remote DR,
focusing on the particular challenges of resolving civil rights disputes. The
program is intended for all members of the MBA, and attendees will have the opportunity
to address questions to the panel.
This session was hosted using Zoom.
Kenneth Reich, Esq., Program Co-chair
Kenneth Reich Law LLC, Boston
Shampagne Robinson, Esq., Program Co-chair
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Boston
Hon. Judith Dein, Panelist
Massachusetts U.S. District Court, Boston
Dr. Lynne Halem, Panelist
Centre for Mediation & Dispute Resolution, Wellesley Hills
Marsha Kazarosian, Esq., Panelist
Kazarosian Costello LLP, Haverhill