Creating Access & Opportunity in Dispute
An expert panel moderated by Judge Julie Bernard will also discuss
Creating Access & Opportunity in Dispute Resolution.
Panelists will share how they overcame barriers to become dispute resolution
professionals, challenges and successes they have experienced, and how they have
supported a more diverse dispute resolution community. This panel will bridge
trainings on bias with real-world experiences of practicing dispute resolution
privately and in the courts, as part of our ongoing efforts to create programs
that support the overlapping goals of the MBA’s DEI Committee and the Dispute
Resolution Section.
The panel will be preceded by a short
presentation on Conflict Resolution Day by the Dispute Resolution Section
Council and the reading of a proclamation by Governor Charlie Baker.
Frank E. A. Sander Award in Dispute Resolution — Attorney John. A.
Fiske, 2022 Recipient
In addition, attorney John A. Fiske will receive the 2022 Professor Frank
E.A. Sander Award in Dispute Resolution, honoring the memory and legacy of Frank
Sander, a luminary in the field of conflict resolution. One of the earliest
pioneers of family law mediation, Fiske has been practicing law since 1961 and
has mediated thousands of family disputes over the years.
Fiske was a founding member of the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation
(MCFM) in 1982 and the Academy of Professional Family Mediators. MCFM has valued
his contributions so much that they named an award after him: the John Adams
Fiske Award for Excellence in Mediation, which was awarded to Fiske in 2005.
Fiske was also instrumental in the passage of the Massachusetts Mediator
Confidentiality Statute. He served as co-chair of the Boston Bar Association
Family Law Section and for the last several years has been co-chair of
Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education’s annual Family Law Conference.
Since 1988, Fiske has trained more than 1,000 mediators through the training
institute that he created with Judge Edward Ginsburg for Massachusetts
Continuing Legal Education, and the private training courses he started with
Diane Neumann and Philip Woodbury through Divorce Mediation Training Associates.
Fiske has written seminal articles on dispute resolution, including “Bargaining
in the Light of the Law: The Case of Divorce.” He has also been a pioneer in the
area of marital mediation — i.e., mediation to stay married — and has trained
many mediators in that practice.
Fiske has also served as a panelist on countless presentations by the
Massachusetts Bar Association and the MBA Family Law Section.
This webinar was hosted using Zoom.
This event is
open to lawyers, mediators, DR professionals, members of the MBA and other bar
associations, law students, and others interested in
Hon. Julie J. Bernard, Moderator
Plymouth District Court, Plymouth
Justin Kelsey, Esq., Panelist
Skylark Law & Mediation PC, Southborough
Audrey J. Lee, Esq., Panelist
Boston Law Collaborative LLC, Boston
Alex J. Valderrama, Panelist
Clerk Magistrate, Eastern Housing Court, Boston