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MBA COVID-19 News and Information

The Massachusetts Bar Association is committed to keeping its members informed about how the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is impacting the courts, their practices and the Massachusetts legal community. Visit this page for the latest updates from state and federal courts in Massachusetts, information about MBA programs and meetings, and other useful resources.

Info Center

Court COVID-19 Updates*

Thursday, March 16

Thursday, March 16

Wednesday, February 8

Wednesday, February 8

Thursday, November 17

*Updates listed here are posted with the date they are received.

Click here to view members of the MBA’s COVID-19 Response Task Force. 

MBA Offices: The Massachusetts Bar Association building is currently open Monday-Thursday and the MBA is hosting programs both remotely and in-person (in-person meetings are held on a very limited basis and only when circumstances and safety permits). Please visit for information on a specific MBA program or meeting. Due to directives issued by the City of Boston, face coverings are required for vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals in all indoor spaces. Call (617) 338-0500 with questions.