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Senate debates budget

Thursday, May. 23, 2013
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The Senate is continuing to debate its FY14 budget this afternoon. Yesterday, May 22, the Senate adopted an amendment granting an additional $1 million for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation bringing its FY14 funding to $13 million, a $1 million increase from FY13 funding. The House similarly approved $13 million for MLAC -- making it likely that this line item will not surface when a conference committee convenes to iron out the differences in respective budgets. Therefore, the legal community will advocate that Gov. Deval L. Patrick sign the $13 million increase when it arrives on his desk.

Still pending is an amendment that would give a compensation increase to the commonwealth's judges. The Senate budget amendment proposes trial court justices to $144, 694 effective July 1, 2014; $154,694 effective January 1, 2015; and $159,964 effective July 1, 2015.

The Senate is expected to wrap up its debate on the FY14 budget later today.