MBA President-elect Marsha V. Kazarosian
Massachusetts residents can receive free legal advice on
Wednesday, Aug. 20, by participating in the Ask A Lawyer call-in
program presented jointly by the Massachusetts Bar Association and
WBZ Call for Action.
"Ask A Lawyer makes it easy for members of the public to talk
anonymously to a qualified attorney who can provide answers to
their legal questions and advice about legal services -- all at no
charge," MBA President-elect Marsha V. Kazarosian said. "The MBA is
proud to continue our partnership with WBZ NewsRadio 1030 on this
valuable program, which provides a much-needed lifeline for people
who don't know where to turn when legal issues arise."
Volunteer lawyers from the MBA will be at the WBZ studios to
field phone calls on Aug. 20, from 7 to 9 p.m., from Bay State
residents who have legal concerns or problems. The legal advice is
provided at no charge as a public service.
While volunteer lawyers field calls, Kazarosian will address key
legal topics from 8 to 9 p.m. as a guest on WBZ NewsRadio's
NightSide with Dan Rea. Kazarosian will discuss the ways in which
the MBA works to serve both lawyers and members of the community
through efforts such as its monthly Dial-A-Lawyer program, Lawyer Referral
Service and other public initiatives.