
2024-25 MBA officers and delegates announced

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Massachusetts Bar Association Nominating Committee, led by MBA Immediate Past President Grace V.B. Garcia, has issued its report for the 2024-25 nominations for MBA officers and regional/at-large delegates.

The committee was composed of Garcia, MBA Past President Thomas M. Bond, MBA Past President Hon. Robert W. Harnais, MBA Past President Hon. Mark D Mason, MBA Past President Denise I. Murphy, Young Lawyers Division Chair Batool Raza and MBA Executive Management Board member Marissa N. Soto-Ortiz.

Victoria M. Santoro automatically succeeds to the office of president on Sept. 1, 2024. Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1 of the MBA Bylaws, the committee has filed with the MBA secretary the following list of other officers for 2024-25:

President-elect Michael H. Hayden
Vice President Samuel A. Segal
Treasurer Shayla Mombeleur
Secretary Marc A. Moccia 


Regional and At-Large Delegates:

Region 1 Robert D. Moriarty 
Region 2 Bernard J. Mulholland
Region 3 Robert Setterbo 
Region 4 Jeffrey J. Trapani
Region 5 Laura D. Mangini
Region 6 Paul J. Klehm
Erin K. Thurston
Region 7 Hon. Bonnie H. MacLeod
Philip J. Privitera
Roy J. Watson Jr.
Region 8 Francis C. Morrissey
Richard J. Sweeney
Region 9 Anthony J. Benedetti
Georgia K. Critsley 
Shampagne L. Robinson
Peter Elikann
Region 10 Geoffrey E. Spofford
Adam Soloperto 
At-Large Jane Eden
Carolyn L. Hely 
Marsha V. Kazarosian
Michael D. Molloy
Megan B. Owens
Denise Squillante 
John J. Vasapolli

For additional information about MBA delegate positions, please refer to Article V of the MBA's Bylaws. For information on the Nominating Committee, please refer to Article VIII of the MBA's Bylaws. A full copy of the association bylaws can be found here.

To view the MBA Election and Nomination Procedures, click here.