
Lawyers Journal

The MBA's bi-monthly newspaper includes association news, practical columns and Section Review articles.

Issue April 2004

Delegates clear full plate at meeting

Proposals included judicial evaluations, malpractice insurance, anniversary fees and a constitutional challenge

At its March meeting in Springfield, the MBA House of Delegates took up several topics of major interest to the profession. Among them: the anniversary fees challenge, judicial evaluations, and the proposal to require disclosure of liability insurance. Among the House actions:

Fitzgerald nominated president-elect

Warren F. Fitzgerald, a partner in the Boston firm of Meehan, Boyle, Black & Fitzgerald, has been nominated as Massachusetts Bar Association president-elect for the 2004-2005 association year. He currently serves as MBA vice-president and would become president in September 2005.

Newton North High wins Mock Trial state championship

Justice Roderick Ireland of the Supreme Judicial Court presides over the Mock Trial state championship.