Celebrating a successful Mock Trial program season during a recent reception are (from left) Arthur Carakatsane, Mock Trial Committee chairman; Albert W. Wallis, executive director of the Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels Center for the Public Interest; Elise Busny, partner at Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP; MBA President Richard C. Van Nostrand; and MBA Executive Director Abigail Shaine. Newton North High School won the MBA's 2004 Mock Trial Championship, besting students from Pioneer Valley Performing Arts High School of Hadley by just one point on March 23 in the Great Hall of Faneuil Hall, Boston. The annual Mock Trial competition is organized by the MBA's Mock Trial Committee and was sponsored for the fifth year in a row by Brown
Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP, which has donated $125,000 toward the program. Partial funding for Newton North to travel to Orlando, Fla., in May for the national championship is provided by the Massachusetts Bar Foundation. |