
Meet the candidates for MBA officers, delegates for 2004-5

Issue May 2004

This biographical information is to assist you in voting for candidates for the offices of vice president, secretary and regional delegates (Suffolk County only). Please vote by marking the ballot you received by mail as directed thereon and return it to the MBA in the enclosed official envelope. All ballots must be received by the MBA no later than 5 p.m., on Friday, June 4, 2004. Only ballots received by that date and time and in the official envelope will be counted. Nominations submitted by the MBA Nominating Committee are indicated "N" and those nominated by petition are indicated "P".

Officer Candidates

Vice President

Mark D. Mason, Springfield, Hampden County ("N")

Springfield family law and business litigator Mark Mason has served in numerous MBA leadership positions since 1985. Mark is the MBA's current treasurer and past secretary. He has a demonstrated commitment to the MBA's mission of improving the administration of justice statewide and enhancing the public's perception of lawyers.

Edward W. McIntyre, Clinton, Worcester County ("N")

Chair, SJC's Clients' Security Board; member, SJC's Pro Bono Standing Committee; BBO Hearing Officer. MBA Board of Delegates 1998-04. Chair, MBA Judicial Administration Section Council; Executive Management Board; Judicial Evaluation Task Force; Anniversary Fee Task Force; Mock Trial & Conversations Programs; Massachusetts Bar Foundation & Grant Review Committee. Past-President, Worcester County Bar Association. Saint Bonaventure University, Assumption College & NESL. Vietnam, 173rd Airborne Brigade.

David W. White-Lief, Boston, Suffolk County ("P")

David, a trial attorney at Breakstone, White-Lief & Gluck, P.C., has chaired the Civil Litigation and Law Practice Management Sections, and serves on the House of Delegates and Executive Management Board. His strong commitment to the MBA is evidenced by his years of volunteer work and teaching at many educational programs.


Katherine A. Hesse, Quincy, Norfolk County ("N")

Katherine is a founding partner and litigator/counselor at Murphy, Hesse, Toomey & Lehane of Quincy, Boston and Springfield. An active 25-year MBA member, speaker and section/committee leader, she serves on the MBA House of Delegate and Executive Management Board and as a Holmes Fellow of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation.

Denise I. Murphy, Boston, Suffolk County ("P")

Partner, Labor & Employment Group, Pepe & Hazard LLP. At-Large Delegate, MBA House of Delegates; member: Task Force on Civil Litigation Anniversary Fees, Labor and Employment Council, MBA Moot Court Judge, September 11th Committee, Conversations on Law & Liberty Program; Mass. Bar Foundation, IOLTA Grant Review Committee; and frequent MBA lecturer.

Regional Delegates

Suffolk County Delegates

Alice B. Burkin, Boston, Suffolk County ("N" *)

Alice is a trial partner at Duane Morris, a national law firm. An active member since 1992, Alice speaks on numerous MBA educational panels and lectures extensively to professionals in the legal and healthcare communities. Alice founded and chaired "Mothers-in-Law," formally a long-standing MBA committee devoted to life-balance issues and networking.

Peter T. Elikann, Boston, Suffolk County ("N")

Peter Elikann is a solo practitioner based in Boston, a Court TV Network commentator and the author of two books on the law. He is currently a Region 9 Delegate, a member of the Judicial Administration Section, a former chair of the Criminal Justice Section and former vice chair of the I.R.R. Section.

John J. Morrissey, Boston, Suffolk County ("N")

John Morrissey is a partner with Quinn and Morris and a member of the Board of Governors of the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys. A former member of the MBA Young Lawyers Division Board of Directors, he would like the opportunity to continue to serve the members as a Delegate.

Douglas K. Sheff, Boston, Suffolk County ("P")

As president of the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys, governor of the Association of Trial Attorneys of America, and trustee of the National College of Advocacy, Douglas Sheff has been committed to reclaiming the public's lost respect for our honorable profession. He would like to continue these efforts as an MBA Delegate.

John P. Zanini, Boston, Suffolk County ("N" *)

Legal counsel to the District Attorney of Suffolk County and Chief of Appeals. MBA involvement: Criminal Justice Section Council member, 1999-2000, 2001-present; section editor for MBA Section Review, 2001; co-chair Appellate Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Section, 1999. Co-authored MBA amicus brief, Commonwealth v. Pelosi. Admitted to practice: Connecticut, 1986, Massachusetts, 1993.

* Nominee appointed by President following vacancy.