Pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) Bylaws, the Nominating Committee files herewith with the Secretary the following nominations for officers and regional delegates for the 2005-2006 Association year:
President-Elect: Mark D. Mason, Springfield
Vice-President: Edward W. McIntyre, Clinton
Vice-President: Valerie A. Yarashus, Boston
Treasurer: David W. White-Lief, Boston
Secretary: Denise Squillante, Fall River
Note: Warren F. Fitzgerald automatically succeeds to the office of President on September 1, 2005. Current MBA officer Jeffrey B. Loeb, because of personal and professional commitments, chose not to be nominated as an MBA officer for 2005-2006.
Regional Delegates
Region 1: Barnstable/Dukes/Nantucket: Paul G. Farrell, Falmouth
Region 2: Plymouth County: Andrew H. Schwartz, Brockton
Region 3: Bristol County: William E. McKeon, Jr., Fall River
Region 4: Berkshire/Franklin/Hampshire: Mark I. Berson, Greenfield
Region 5: Hampden County: Lisa L. Brodeur-McGan, Springfield
Region 6: Essex County: Alan S. Pierce, Salem; Steven L. Wollman, Swampscott
Region 7: Middlesex County: Hodges A. Brown, Jr., Cambridge; Michael C. Fee, Sudbury; Lee J. Gartenberg, Billerica
Region 8: Norfolk County: Fern L. Frolin, Wellesley; Katharine A. Hesse, Quincy
Region 9: Suffolk County: Alice B. Burkin, Boston; Marianne C. LeBlanc, Boston; John J. Morrissey, Boston; John Carroll, Boston
Region 10: Worcester County: Thomas A. Manning, Worcester; Geoffrey E. Spofford, Worcester
ARTICLE VII, Section 2 - Nominating Committee
Section 2. Nominating Committee. On or before January 20th in each year, the President and the Executive Director shall appoint a Nominating Committee of seven (7) members of the Association, consisting of the immediate past president, who shall act as chair, the two (2) most recent past presidents, should either or both agree to serve, two (2) members who have recently served on the House of Delegates and two (2) members who have not served on the House of Delegates within the past five (5) years. Not later than March 10th, the Nominating Committee shall file with the Secretary one or more nominations for President-Elect, two or more nominations for Vice President, one or more nominations for Treasurer, one or more nominations for Secretary and one or more nominations for each Regional Delegate. The President shall appoint a replacement for any person who chooses not to serve. The Nominating Committee may not nominate one of its own members to any such office nor may a member be nominated or run as a petition candidate for more than one office. The Nominating Committee's report, together with a copy of this Article VII, shall be mailed to all members of the Association entitled to vote not later than March 25th. Other nominations may be made for Officers by a petition signed by at least one hundred (100) members of the Association entitled to vote for Officers, and for Regional delegates by a petition signed by at least fifty (50) members of the Association entitled to vote from the region. All petitions shall be filed with the Secretary not later than April 10th.* A member's region shall be where he or she maintains his or her principal office.
* Although not required by the Bylaw, because of MBA administrative and timing constraints, potential petitioners are asked to submit materials by April 4, 2005.