MBA President David W. White Jr. will serve as keynote speaker at the Green Office Workshop on Tuesday, June 24, at the UMass-Boston Campus & Conference Center. The workshop will run from 8 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
MBA Law Practice Management Section Chair Alan J. Klevan, a pledge partner of the Lawyers Eco-Challenge, will also participate by leading a half-hour tutorial on creating a paperless office at 10:45 a.m. Klevan will be joined by Boston attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman, a member of the MBA’s Energy and Environment Task Force.
Other sessions include Green Purchasing 101, Creating a Successful Recycling Program, Securing Funding for Green Initiatives and Engaging Co-Workers.
MBA members are eligible for a discounted rate of $45. All attendees will receive a 60-page Green Office Manual and Green Office Start-Up Kit.
The workshop is sponsored by the Massachusetts Recycling Coalition, the Massachusetts Operational Services Division, UMass-Boston’s Recycling and Sustainability Program and the MBA.