
Access to Justice Award nominations due Dec. 9

Issue December 2011

The Massachusetts Bar Association annually recognizes attorneys and law firms' significant efforts to enhance access to justice through the Access to Justice Awards, which will be presented at the MBA's Access to Justice Awards Luncheon.

To nominate and recognize an unsung hero of the legal profession, or a law firm that has made a significant difference for low income litigants dealing with the justice system, submit your nomination by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, to:

Massachusetts Bar Association
Access to Justice Awards
20 West St.
Boston, MA 02110

We encourage nominations from local/affiliated bar associations, government agencies and legal services organizations.

Legal Services Award

An attorney employed by a public or nonprofit agency to provide civil legal services to low-income clients, and who has made a particularly significant or meaningful contribution to the provision of low-income legal services, above and beyond the requirements of his or her position.

Pro Bono Award for Law Firms

Recipient must be a law firm of two or more attorneys with one or more offices in the commonwealth, whose pro bono activities are particularly noteworthy in relation to the firm's size and which has performed significant or meaningful pro bono activity or has been 
particularly instrumental in developing, implementing and/or supporting a pro bono program or pro bono services within Massachusetts.

Pro Bono 
Publico Award

An individual who has been instrumental in developing, implementing and supporting pro bono programs for the MBA or a county bar association, or a pro bono program of a law firm, or has developed a pro bono program sponsored by or organized through an agency in the commonwealth, or has performed significant or meaningful pro bono activity.

Defender Award

An attorney who is employed or retained by a public or nonprofit agency to provide criminal legal services to low-income clients, and who has made a particularly significant or meaningful contribution to the provision of low-income legal services above and beyond the requirements of his or her position.

Prosecutor Award

A state or federal prosecutor who has distinguished himself or herself in public service and whose commitment to justice and serving the community where he or she lives or works is particularly praiseworthy.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Access to Justice Section Council Chair Charles Vander Linden or MBA Section Administrator Jean Stevens.