
President-elect Campbell speaks about social host law

Issue February 2011

MBA President-elect Richard P. Campbell appeared on the WFXT Fox 25 Morning News on Jan. 18 to discuss the state's social host law. His appearance followed headlines surrounding underage drinking arrests in Middletown, Mass. - the latest in a series of similar arrests in the state.

Campbell was interviewed by co-host Gene Lavanchy and answered questions about the parameters of the law and offered common sense advice to parents as promoted on, Campbell's website on the subject.
"Be a parent, not a pal," said Campbell, who has been involved in countless speaking engagements on the issue. One such forum included a controversial mandatory parent meeting in Swampscott in January.

In the Massachusetts social host criminal statute, underage persons are now held criminally responsible if they allow their friends or other underage individuals to possess alcohol under their control. Campbell tells community groups that everyone needs to consider the serious ramifications of decisions made concerning people under their charge.