
MBA announces $50,000 Centennial Scholarship

Issue July 2011

The Massachusetts Bar Association raised $50,000 through its Centennial celebration to create an Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Centennial Scholarship. This scholarship will provide tuition assistance to law students attending a Massachusetts law school who are strongly motivated to provide legal assistance to underrepresented individuals and communities upon graduating.

An important part of the declared mission of the MBA is to serve the public by promoting justice. Individuals applying for this scholarship must seek to further that goal by having qualities that the MBA values and finds essential in those who will become practicing attorneys.

In particular, applicants must (1) express a strong and genuine commitment to serve the public interest; (2) have a proven record of hard work and academic accomplishment, and (3) demonstrate integrity and honesty.

The goal of the scholarship is to create future leaders of the bar who respect that the most challenging and difficult battles on behalf of those without a voice are often the ones most worth fighting for.