Every day, Massachusetts Bar Foundation grantee
organizations advocate for Massachusetts' most vulnerable citizens
and families. Lawyers Journal will regularly feature MBF grantees
and fellows whose combined effort and generosity make that critical
advocacy possible.
Robert A. Bertsche, Esq.
Partner, Prince Lobel Tye LLP,
MBF Fellow since 2009
Q: Why did you decide to become a fellow of the
A: I suppose the "proximate cause" was that I was invited to
join by an MBF fellow, a lawyer for whom I have immense respect.
Sometimes it takes the prod of a valued colleague to remind us of
why we decided to become lawyers in the first place, and to get us
off our duff to act on that reminder.
That gets to the second, more fundamental, reason. I've been a
lawyer for 20-some years now, and I've been fortunate to build a
successful practice as a media lawyer doing a combination of First
Amendment, intellectual property, and employment work. Pro bono
work has always been a big piece of my practice, and I work with a
terrific group of talented lawyers at my firm. But I've reached a
point in my career where I wanted to do a better job connecting
with the greater legal community. I needed to step out of my own
little box. And I wanted to try to play a role on a systemic level,
to help in some small way toward improving the delivery of legal
services and the administration of justice, particularly to those
most in need. Heaven knows, the need today is greater than
Q: You recently served on a grant advisory committee. What
was your impression of that experience?
A: This was my second year on a grant advisory committee, and
it's been incredibly rewarding both times, on a number of levels.
I've learned so much about the array of incredibly talented
individuals and worthy organizations out there. As part of the
grant review process, MBF fellows personally meet with leaders of
every single organization seeking funds. I've met some very
impressive people who are working long hours, doing important work
at relatively modest wages, to help make Massachusetts better for
the most needy among us, and to help ease the burden on our court
system. That's been a real privilege.
Q: Do you regard the MBF in the same way as you did
A: When I first joined, I don't think I fully appreciated what a
meaningful experience it would be to sit at the table discussing
these issues with other lawyers and retired judges from throughout
the state. If you haven't sat on one of these committees, you can't
fully appreciate the amount of care, thoughtfulness, and debate
that goes into the review of every single grant application. I've
met MBF Fellows from a variety of settings, whom I wouldn't
otherwise have come into contact with, and I've learned a lot from
Did you ever wonder how IOLTA monies are used to support legal
aid? The Massachusetts Bar Foundation (MBF), the philanthropic
partner of the MBA, is proud to present a story of a client helped
by one of the recipients of funding from the MBF IOLTA Grants
The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center (JGCC), a domestic violence
agency in Newburyport, has been a long-time recipient of grant
funding from the MBF. Since 1997, the MBF has awarded over $430,000
in grants to this organization that provides critical legal
assistance to victims of domestic violence. This is just one of the
many stories JGCC has shared where IOLTA funding has made a true
A staff attorney at Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center assisted and
supported a respected community member when, after many years of
marriage, her husband's behavior became erratic and he developed an
addiction to drugs. In addition to being physically violent, the
husband began taking out large cash advances from their joint
credit cards, accumulating significant debt and steering the
family, with two children in college, toward foreclosure. The
husband refused a divorce and was uncooperative.
The JGCC attorney was able to secure permission from the court
to sell the marital home, providing temporary financial relief, and
obtain a restraining order against the husband. After the husband
violated the restraining order a number of times, and after many
attempts and much persistence, the attorney helped the client
secure a divorce.
Thanks to Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, the woman has also
attended a Bankruptcy/Foreclosure Seminar at the center, and is
starting to rebuild her life.