
Campbell appoints 2012 Nominating Committee

Issue March 2012

MBA President Richard P. Campbell has announced the members of the 2012 MBA Nominating Committee. The committee is charged with reviewing the nominations submitted for consideration for MBA officer positions for the 2012-13 association year, which begins Sept. 1, 2012.

Denise Squillante, chair
She is the MBA's immediate past president and a family law and corporate law practitioner in Fall River. A co-chair of the joint MBA/Boston Bar Association Alimony Task Force, Squillante also served on a legislative task force that drafted major alimony reform legislation enacted in 2011. She is a former president of the Fall River and New England bar associations, is a Massachusetts Bar Foundation Fellow and a Massachusetts delegate to the American Bar Association's House of Delegates. She also received the MBA's Pro Bono Publico Award.

Valerie A. Yarashus
An MBA past president and a principal with Meehan, Boyle, Black and Bogdanow PC, she co-founded the MBA Monthly Leadership Roundtables, spearheaded the MBA Diversity Task Force from 2005 to 2007 and is a past president of the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys. Awarded the prestigious Wiedemann-Wysocki "Citation of Excellence" from the American Association for Justice, she was named to Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly's Hall of Fame for Up and Coming Lawyers.

Edward W. McIntyre
An MBA past president and a solo practitioner in Clinton, he is a U.S. Army veteran, sat on the MBA President's Task Force on Judicial Evaluations and the MBA's ABA Nominating Committee. Chair of MBA's Judicial Performance Evaluation Standing Committee since 2004, McIntyre is a former recipient of the MBA's Community Service Award and is a Massachusetts Bar Foundation Fellow and trustee.

Thomas J. Barbar
Thomas J. Barbar, chair of the MBA's Law Practice Management Section and a past co-chair of the MBA Family Law Section Council, is a principal at Deutsch Williams, Brooks, DeRensis & Holland PC. Barbar has testified at the Statehouse on behalf of the MBA regarding family law legislation. He has also been a panel participant and chair for probate and family law issues for the Boston Bar Association and ?the MBA.

Laurence M. Johnson
A shareholder at Davis, Malm & D'Agostine PC, Johnson was a co-chair of the Individual Rights & Responsibilities Section. He is a past president of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation, where he a trustee and an MBF Oliver Wendell Holmes Life Fellow. A member of the Massachusetts IOLTA Committee and Supreme Judicial Court Law Clerks' Society, he has served as director of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law for more than 30 years.

Nancy Frankel Pelletier
An attorney with Robinson Donovan PC, she has been recognized as a Massachusetts Super Lawyers "Top 50 Women Attorneys." A member of the Massachusetts, Hampden County, Women's and Federal bar associations, Pelletier is also a Fellow in the International Association of Defense Counsel and a Life Fellow of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation. She has also volunteered as a judge in the MBA's Mock Trial program.

Michelle I. Schaffer

A shareholder at Campbell, Campbell, Edwards & Conroy PC, she is actively involved in the Federal Bar Association and the Defense Research Institute and published articles and spoken at educational programs on various topics. She has served as the chair of several educational programs sponsored by professional organizations, including the American Bar Association, DRI and Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Inc.