
Get published in the Massachusetts Law Review

Issue January 2013

The longest continually published law review in the nation, the Massachusetts Law Review, is published quarterly by the MBA and includes articles, case comments and book reviews of interest to MBA members.

The editorial board comprises lawyers, judges and academics representing a variety of legal disciplines and specialties. The Law Review board is always looking for submissions from members of the bar.

Whether an article or case comment, the board is looking for pieces offering a deeper analysis of a legal issue, rather than a bare description.

Articles should discuss applicable case law, statutes, rules or regulations. Articles may run anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 words. Topics should be timely and likely to be of interest to Massachusetts practitioners.

Case comments are confined to a discussion of a recent civil or criminal case with relevant cites and a brief description of related cases. The comments run 2,500 to 3,000 words.

Book reviews discuss recent books of interest to practitioners and run about 2,000 words.

All article submissions are subject to peer review and to a vote by a majority of the editorial board members. If accepted for publication, an editor is assigned and the editing process begins. Authors may either submit proposals or full articles to the editorial board by e-mailing them to Director of Media and Communications Jason Scally at [email jscally].

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