
Mass. Bar Foundation honors Boyle, announces 2013 officers and trustees

Issue March 2013

On Jan. 24, the fellows of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation gathered for their Annual Meeting at the Social Law Library in the John Adams Courthouse.  Following the recommendations of the Nominating Committee chaired by Steven Wollman and including Francis Ford, Wendy Sibbison, and Craig Stewart, the MBF Fellows unanimously elected the following:


  • President Jerry Cohen, Burns & Levinson, LLP, Boston
  • Vice President Robert J. Ambrogi, Law Office of Robert J. Ambrogi, Rockport
  • Treasurer Janet F. Aserkoff, Rappaport, Aserkoff & Gelles, Boston
  • Secretary Lawrence J. Farber, Law Office of Lawrence J. Farber, Amherst


  • Frank J. Ciano, Law Office of Frank J. Ciano, Cambridge
  • Lewis C. Eisenberg, Cosgrove, Eisenberg & Kiley, P.C., Quincy
  • Hon. Andre A. Gelinas, Fitchburg
  • Gerald P. Hendrick, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP, Boston
  • Dennis M. Lindgren, Pierce & Mandell, P.C., Boston
  • Angela McConney Scheepers, Commonwealth of MA - Division of Administrative Law Appeals, Boston
  • Andrew Rainer, Office of the Attorney General, Boston

In addition to presenting the Great Friend of Justice Award to Massachusetts Bar Association Past President Leo V. Boyle of Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow, PC, at the meeting, the MBF inducted 19 new Life members into the MBF Society of Fellows, all of whom successfully completed generous pledges made to advance the MBF's mission of increasing access to justice.

In sharing his vision for the year ahead, MBF President Jerry Cohen reaffirmed the MBF's determination to preserve the structure and scope of legal services in the Commonwealth. He urged outreach by the MBF Fellows to identify new sources of "money, time, and compassion" to mitigate the effects of the drastic cuts in IOLTA and other funding sources for the Foundation and its grantees. Cohen reminded all in attendance, "it's easy to become jaded when we hear of great need and the like, but it's not enough to say the need is great, we also have to say the cause is right."

For more information about the MBF, please click here.