
Share and collaborate with fellow section members on My Bar Access

Issue May 2013

Make a fellow MBA member a connection

The Massachusetts Bar Association's My Bar Access, a valuable member benefit, provides MBA members with an opportunity to share practice information in one convenient, online location.

Find and connect with fellow members of your section.


  1. Visit
  2. Login to My Bar Access using your MBA user name and password.
  3. Click on MEMBER GROUPS in the My Bar Access gold navigation bar.
  4. In the MEMBER GROUPS drop-down menu, click on the section/division of which you are a member.
  5. Click on the "Members" tab in the member group's dashboard for a list of every member of your section.
  6. Click on a member's profile and make the person a "contact."

My Bar Access allows you to tailor your communications to just your group of contacts on the site. Members can restrict viewable blog posts to just contacts and exchange personal messages.