
Issue July/August 2016

Thank you

They say time flies when you're having fun. That's never been truer than during my year as the president of the Massachusetts Bar Association.

Trial Court faces reduction in funding; Senate passes juvenile justice reform bill

In Gov. Charlie Baker's fiscal year 2017 budget, the Trial Court was left with a $6.7 million reduction in funding from the Legislature's final budget. As the Legislature begins to take up veto overrides, the Massachusetts Bar Association will continue to fight for legislative overrides of the governor's vetoes of Trial Court line items.

President Harnais: From Humble Beginnings To The Highest Office

Rewinding back a few decades, few of even the most prescient law professionals around Boston would have expected the curious Quincy kid nosing around the local courthouses to be, in August of 2016, rounding off a successful year as president of the Massachusetts Bar Association.

Five members honored at Volunteer Recognition Dinner

Five Massachusetts Bar Association members were honored for their outstanding service at the MBA Volunteer Recognition Dinner at Lombardo's in Randolph on July 13.