
YLD hosts ABA New England Regional Summit

Issue July/August 2016 By Courtney Shea and Samuel Segal

On June 18, the Massachusetts Bar Association's Young Lawyer Division hosted an American Bar Association New England Regional Summit at the Marriot Courtyard, Back Bay. The event was attended by leaders from the MBA's YLD, as well as leaders from the New Hampshire, Maine, Hampden County and Vermont bar associations' young lawyer divisions, and representatives from the ABA's Law Student Division.

The regional leadership summit was organized by Samuel Segal, the MBA YLD treasurer and upcoming chair-elect; Courtney Shea, the ABA YLD district representative for Massachusetts and New Hampshire; and Tara Rich, the ABA YLD district representative for Vermont and Maine.

The ABA YLD is comprised of affiliate members from various state and local bar associations, such as the MBA. The Regional Summit provided MBA YLD members with an opportunity to learn from other young lawyers in New England about issues they face as young leaders. There was also an exchange of ideas on programming, mentoring, leadership training and networking. The summit also allowed the different associations to foster a cooperative spirit and work on the collaboration of information and programming among the various young lawyer groups.

In addition to Segal and Shea, the MBA was represented at the summit by Victoria Santoro, Michael Maloney, Meghan Thrash and Elizabeth Dillon.

The program included presentations from each group on their past year's education, community service and social/networking programming. There was a presentation by MBA President Robert W. Harnais, who provided insight on what it means to be leader and how to still be a professional in an industry that has transformed into a business. The attendees also broke up into small groups to brainstorm new outreach and effective programming ideas. After the summit concluded, the attendees continued networking that evening at the Red Sox game against the Seattle Mariners.

The leadership summit was a tremendous success. Connections were made between regional young lawyers' organizations where none had previously existed. All parties are also excited for the third annual leadership conference next year to be hosted by the Vermont Bar Association Young Lawyers Section.

Courtney Shea and Samuel Segal are members of the MBA's Young Lawyers Division