The House Ways and Means Committee released its $33.8 billion
budget proposal for FY14 on Wednesday, April 10. While it is a 3.9
percent increase in spending, it is $1 billion less than Gov. Deval
L. Patrick's proposal.
The budget did not contain the much sought after judicial pay
raise. The House funded the Trial Court at $567.8 million up from
FY13 funding of $560.1 million. That amount, however, was $21.7
million short of their maintenance budget request of $589.5 million
and $10 million less than Patrick's FY14 proposal of $577.5
The House funded the Trial Court at $567.8 million up from FY13
funding of $560.1 million, however, $21.7 million short of their
maintenance budget request of $589.5 million and $10 million less
than Patrick's FY14 proposal of $577.5 million.
The House of Representatives will begin debate on the budget on
April 22, 2013. Amendments must be filed by 5 p.m. on Friday, April
12, 2013.
To view the budget proposal, click here.