'Solve It 7': Ticket Trouble
"This is a third party that sold her tickets. They
spent money on tickets, they got their money back, she should be
getting her money back. And if she's not, I'd be filing a claim
against them right away."
MBA President-elect Robert W.
Harnais, WHDH TV (Channel 7), February 12
In this segment of "Solve It 7" Harnais provided legal analysis
on the case of a consumer who sought a refund for theater tickets
she bought from a third party vendor after a show was cancelled due
to weather. After nearly two years, the consumer recently received
a refund with the help of "Solve it 7."
Of note:
- MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W.
Healy was quoted by the Boston Business Journal and WBUR in a story on the recently announced
retirement of Appeals Court Chief Justice Phillip Rapoza.
- In addition to the clip mentioned above, MBA President-elect
Robert W. Harnais was also quoted in the Boston Globe in a story about Daniel J.
Bennett, the newly appointed secretary of the Executive Office of
Public Safety and Security.