
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Jun. 11, 2015

Notable & Quotable


Court closings

Healy for Notable

"We want to know what it means for the movement of cases and attorneys who have to get to the courthouses. Also for the people in some poor communities--they might not have the same access to the administration of justice."

MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, Boston Herald, June 6

Healy was quoted in a Herald story on the possibility of the Trial Court closing as many as a third of the state's 101 courthouses. Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly also quoted Healy in a June 10 story on a draft of a capital plan calling for the closing of 41 courthouses.


Fan injured at Fenway Park


"Massachusetts abolished assumption of the risk defenses so a lot of people still think whatever's written on the back of a ticket means they've assumed the risk of being hit by a ball or a bat. That's not really true, because that was abolished back in 1974."

MBA Treasurer Jeffrey N. Catalano, New England Cable News, June 8

Catalano was interviewed by New England Cable News for a story on a legal precedent known as the "baseball rule" in relation to spectators who are injured by a ball or bat that enters the stands. A fan was injured on June 5 at Fenway Park when she was hit by a piece of a broken bat. MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy also provided his legal analysis on the "baseball rule" in stories for the Boston Globe and Boston Herald.


Breathalyzer tests


"While the number of cases impacted by improper use or calibration of the Draeger 9150 appears to be limited, both Secretary Bennett and I agree that any miscarriage of justice is unacceptable and that lawyers should also have the opportunity to review these records in order to determine exactly which cases may have been tainted by error."

MBA President-elect Robert W. Harnais, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, June 10

Harnais was quoted from an MBA press release on the securing of records from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security pertaining to 39,000 cases where the Draeger 9150 alcohol breath test device was used.


Shooting of suspected terrorist


"It's really in those last few seconds, it's so blurry. We really can't see who's doing what...if they absolutely had to shoot him in that situation or if there was some way to retreat or to disable him."

MBA Criminal Justice Section Vice Chair Peter Elikann, FOX25, June 8

Elikann was interviewed by FOX25 for a story about the surveillance video of the Usaamah Rahim shooting in Roslindale.  


Of note:

  • The Massachusetts Bar Association was mentioned in a Boston Globe article in reference to its stance supporting the elimination of mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. MBA President-elect Robert W. Harnais testified as part of a panel with Families Against Mandatory Minimums in support of the legislation at a State House hearing on Tuesday.