
Featured member benefit: Fastcase coming soon

Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015
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Starting in December, Massachusetts Bar Association members will have FREE, unlimited access to Fastcase -- one of the nation's most popular legal research services.  Fastcase will provide MBA members with nationwide coverage from state and federal courts, state statutes and administrative regulations, as well as court rules, constitutions, and other valuable libraries.

"One of the greatest benefits of belonging to the Massachusetts Bar Association is access to tools and services that strengthen an attorney's practice," said MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy. "We're pleased to enhance this benefit by providing MBA members free access to Fastcase -- one of the largest online legal research libraries and the top-rated app for attorneys."

MBA members will be able to log into Fastcase in December, through, using their member IDs/emails and passwords. In addition to providing free and unlimited customer support from experienced reference attorneys, Fastcase will sponsor complimentary monthly training webinars and there will be short video tutorials on the site.