
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, July 12, 2018


  • "Governor Baker swears in five Housing Court judges," Cape Cod Today (July 11). MBA member Neil K. Sherring was mentioned as one of five new associate justices sworn in to the Massachusetts Housing Court on Wednesday. Sherring's appointment as a circuit justice coincides with the Baker Administration's expansion of the court.
  • “Rule creates file-disposal safe harbor,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 9).
    MBA member George A. Hall Jr. was quoted about the heavy cost of storing old case materials, the majority of which will soon fall under a Supreme Judicial Court rule that permits file shredding after six years have elapsed.
  • “Assets of divorce-created trust subject to PI claim,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 9). MBA members Sheila B. Giglio and Timothy D. Sullivan were quoted about an Appeals Court ruling that an irrevocable spendthrift trust established on a disabled man’s behalf could be used to cover damages arising from his liability for a 2014 fatal car accident. 
  • “Geofencing: The next ‘thing’ in lawyer advertising?” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 9). MBA member Matthew R. Fisher was quoted about the use of geofencing technology in Massachusetts, where Attorney General Maura T. Healey notably settled with a digital marketing company now forbidden from engaging in anti-abortion advertising. Fisher said Healey could conceivably take a more flexible position on geofencing in cases less controversial than those involving reproductive rights.
  • “Federal bar hopes bench follows state’s lead on voir dire,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 2). MBA Past President Douglas K. Sheff and MBA member Scott P. Lopez were quoted about the debate over whether the U.S. District Court in Massachusetts should follow the state courts in allowing attorney voir dire. 
  • “Exec’s counterclaims in fiduciary action not a SLAPP suit,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 2). MBA members Dahlia C. Rudavsky and David B. Mack were quoted about a lawsuit stemming from the one filed against former “America’s Test Kitchen” host Christopher Kimball, who was accused of misappropriating confidential information to start a competing venture. A Superior Court judge ruled that an executive who brought counterclaims after being named as a co-conspirator did not file an illegal SLAPP suit.
  • “Restrictions on property transfer deemed invalid,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 2). MBA member Robert E. Nislick was quoted about a Superior Court case involving a group of tenants in common who attempted to purchase interest in the subject properties that had been transferred to LLCs. The judge ruled that an agreement restricting the transfer of interests was invalid because its restraints would go on in perpetuity and the mechanism for determining the fair value for those interests was “cumbersome.”
  • “Effective use of the forensic CPA,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 2).
    MBA member Stephen L. Ferraro wrote an advice column containing a series of recommendations aimed at helping lawyers engage in successful dealings with forensic CPAs.
  • “Coping with judicial stress,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (July 2).
    Hon. Edward M. Ginsburg, a retired Probate and Family Court judge, offered his advice on relieving judicial stress in an attempt to encourage fewer early retirements.
  • "Era comes to an end as state ends its use of court reporters," The Boston Globe (June 30). MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy was quoted about the state's decision to eliminate the court reporter position as part of a transition to digital recording equipment.
  • “Trump's efforts to remake federal judiciary,” The Salem News (June 28). MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy was quoted about the changing composition of the federal judiciary under President Donald Trump, who will soon fill two vacancies on the U.S. District Court bench in Massachusetts.

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