
MassBar Connects: Don't miss these upcoming events

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020

Click here to see the full calendar of events.


Click here to RSVP.


The Massachusetts Bar Association is proud to present a series of statewide bench-bar programs, which will feature interactive discussions on enhancing civility and professionalism, as well as tips for a better courtroom experience. Register for programs on Thursday, March 12 (Taunton); Thursday, April 30 (Woburn); Thursday, May 14 (Springfield); and Thursday, June 11 (Worcester).

JCW Conf2020

Click here to register.


Consider attending this annual event as a sponsor. Dahlia Lithwick, a contributing editor at Newsweek and senior editor at Slate, will deliver the keynote address. The dinner will include the presentation of the 2020 Access to Justice Awards, the Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Scholarship and more. Click here to learn more.