
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020


  • "Should bar relax ban on fee splits, outside investment?" Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 17). MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer Martin W. Healy commented on an American Bar Association proposal that would encourage states to explore changes to their versions of Rule of Professional Conduct 5.4, with the goal of expanding access to civil legal services.

  • "SJC: Software accessed online subject to sales tax," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 17). MBA member Michael E. Porter explained how tax attorneys are likely to advise their clients in light of a Supreme Judicial Court decision clarifying that software products purchased online are subject to sales tax, but offering no guidance on other goods.

  • "Client can sue law firm over ‘pens down’ email," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 17). MBA members Kevin T. Peters and Alan E. Brown discussed a Superior Court judge's decision finding that a businessman could sue his company's former law firm after he received a "pens down" email while seeking assistance to complete a financing deal.

  • "Examples of meritorious summary judgment motions," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 17). Hon. Douglas H. Wilkins, an MBA member and a Superior Court judge, co-wrote an article listing examples of effective summary judgment motions.

  • "‘Marriage Story’: a Valentine to lawyers," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 17). MBA member Vicki L. Shemin wrote a review of the Oscar-nominated movie "Marriage Story," which follows the divorce proceedings between a husband and wife.

  • "Wrong emoji can land you in prison or facing a lawsuit," Boston 25 News (Feb. 17). MBA Criminal Justice Section Council member Peter T. Elikann was interviewed about the increasing use of emojis as evidence in court.

  • "How could legal weed affect your workplace?" The Riverdale Press (Feb. 16). MBA Young Lawyers Division Chair Meghan H. Slack discussed how Massachusetts employers are adapting to the legalization of recreational marijuana. 
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