
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, May 3, 2018


  • “A GOOD AGE: A centenarian who helps herself,” The Patriot Ledger (May 1). MBA member Joel R. Davidson was quoted about his close friendship with Quincy centenarian Lillian Haritos, whom he met two years ago through an MBA pro bono referral. Davidson brought Haritos a bouquet of flowers on her 100th birthday in February. 
  • “Massachusetts bill aims to open door to dogs in courtroom,” Boston 25 News (April 30). MBA Executive Management Board member Peter T. Elikann was interviewed about a recently filed bill that would allow minors or those with developmental disabilities who testify about violent crimes to take the stand alongside a trained service dog. Elikann, a longtime criminal defense attorney, said jurors are more likely to sympathize with someone accompanied by an emotional support dog, limiting the chances for a fair trial.
  • “Hospital must designate witness for 30(b)(6) depo,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 30). MBA members Elizabeth N. Mulvey, Roger J. Brunelle, Judith Feinberg Albright and Carol A. Kelly were quoted about a Superior Court case involving Massachusetts General Hospital and the parents of a baby born asphyxiated with brain damage. The judge ruled, and an Appeals Court justice upheld, that MGH must designate a witness to provide Rule 30(b)(6) deposition testimony on whether its policies were followed in the labor and delivery of the baby.
  • “Pre-petition waiver of bankruptcy rights enforced,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 30). MBA members Michael B. Katz and Jennifer V. Doran were quoted about a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge’s ruling that a secured creditor was entitled to relief from the automatic stay in a commercial bankruptcy. The judge so ruled because the debtor had previously agreed to waive future protections as part of a Chapter 11 reorganization.
  • “Coveted pro bono LeDoux Award goes to Worcester lawyer,” Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (April 30). MBA member Saman S. Wilcox was quoted in this week’s Hearsay column about her pro bono work on behalf of two claimants whose personal injury settlements were misappropriated by their now-disbarred attorney. These efforts culminated with Wilcox accepting the Clients’ Security Board’s William J. LeDoux Award on April 19.
  • “A voice for the indigent: Bar advocates play crucial role,” Daily Hampshire Gazette (April 27). MBA members and Hampshire County attorneys Everald Henry and Colleen C. Currie were quoted in a feature story about their experiences as bar advocates, lawyers paid by the state to provide legal representation to those in need. The program is administered by the Committee for Public Counsel Services, whose general counsel, MBA member Lisa M. Hewitt, was also quoted in the piece.

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