
Court and Community News

Thursday, May 2, 2019
Three vacancies on Board of Bar Overseers​; Access to Justice Fellow sought; Office available for sublet


Three vacancies on Board of Bar Overseers

The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court have announced that they are accepting applications for three lawyer vacancies on the Board of Bar Overseers. Appointments are made for terms of four years. 

The justices seek applications from experienced lawyers who have been members of the Massachusetts bar in good standing for a substantial number of years. A diversity of backgrounds and geography will be considered. 

One-page resumes or biographies, with cover letters, should be submitted by June 7, by either mail or email, to Mona R. Hochberg, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 or


Access to Justice Fellow sought

More Than Words, a nonprofit social enterprise, is seeking a retired lawyer or judge with experience in child welfare and juvenile justice to join its team as a Boston-based Access to Justice Fellow. As the organization grows its community engagement efforts to advocate for and support youth, a fellow would help shape policy and advocacy efforts focused on DCF transitional planning and emerging adult justice.

To apply, or to learn more about this opportunity, visit the More Than Words website


Office available for sublet

An office space suitable for an independent attorney is currently available for sublet at the Massachusetts Psychological Association, located at 195 Worcester St., Suite 303, in Wellesley.

Anyone interested in subletting the space or obtaining more information is asked to contact Executive Director Susan Wagner at (781) 263-0080, ext. 15, or