
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021


  • “Chief justice delivers first state of judiciary address,” Salem News, Oct. 27. MBA President Thomas M. Bond’s introduction of SJC Chief Justice Kimberly S. Budd was cited in an article covering this year’s virtual State of the Judiciary Address on Oct. 27.

  • "SJC to clarify how far personnel file law goes," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Oct. 25). MBA members Gavriela M. Bogin-Farber and James P. McKenna were quoted in an article about an upcoming Supreme Judicial Court case that will clarify whether an employee's exercise of his rights under the state’s Personnel Records Act can serve as the basis of a suit alleging wrongful discharge.

  • "Condo developer can’t unilaterally extend phased development period," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Oct. 25). MBA member Michael W. Merrill commented on an Appeals Court decision that a developer could not unilaterally extend the phased development of a condominium beyond the period stated in the master deed.

  • "Family bar on board with new child support guidelines," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Oct. 25). MBA Family Law Section Council Chair Holly A. Hinte and MBA member Lynette Paczkowski offered their thoughts on the newly revised child support guidelines that went into effect in early October.

  • "Hanging out a (silver) shingle," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Oct. 25). Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly's "On the Town" section featured a photo and caption noting that MBA Executive Management Board member Francis C. Morrissey recently received the Silver Shingle Alumni Award from Boston University School of Law.
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