If you are interested in volunteering with the Massachusetts Bar Association in the 2023-24 year, consider the following opportunities with the Dial-A-Lawyer and Mock Trial programs:
Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer and assist people who are in need?
The Massachusetts Bar Association's monthly Dial-A-Lawyer program, which began in March 1991, may be the best volunteer program for your schedule and interest. The MBA’s Dial-A-Lawyer program now operates remotely and attorney volunteers only need a quiet place, an internet connection (Wi-Fi) and a laptop to participate. The MBA will provide you with a link, username, password, detailed instructions and updated resources before each monthly program. Using the information provided, you will be able to easily log on to the internet from your computer and take calls immediately from the public.
The MBA is seeking attorney volunteers for its monthly Dial-A-Lawyer programs this fall, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., on the following dates:
- Wednesday, Oct. 4
- Wednesday, Nov. 1
If you are interested in participating from your home or office, please contact us at (617) 338-0695 or
Mock Trial
"I’ve been judging trials for the MBA Mock Trial Tournament for over ten years. It’s amazing to watch the high school students examine and cross-examine witnesses, present documentary evidence, make evidentiary objections and qualify expert witnesses. It’s really rewarding to participate in a program that teaches kids so many life lessons, regardless of whether or not they want to be a lawyer: teamwork, critical thinking and strategy, public speaking, strong listening skills. I was so impressed by the Mock Trial program that I joined the Mock Trial Committee!"
-- Carol E. Kamm, Co-chair
MBA Mock Trial Committee
- Do you enjoy working with students?
- Do you have trial experience?
- Would you like to share your knowledge of the law and courtroom procedures with eager young minds?
If so, volunteer as an attorney coach or judge in the annual Massachusetts Bar Association High School Mock Trial Program.
Since 1985, the MBA has hosted an annual, statewide High School Mock Trial Program to help students learn more about the law, court procedures and our legal system, and give them an opportunity to sharpen their analytical, listening and speaking skills. Members of the MBA serve as attorney coaches and judges for the Mock Trial Program, while thousands of high school students across Massachusetts participate.
To learn more about participating in the Mock Trial Program, listen to the MassBar Beat podcast to hear perspectives from Mock Trial Committee members and co-chairs, teacher coaches, student participants and judges. In the episode, the Mock Trial volunteers speak to host Jordan Rich about their involvement in the program with the hope that others will participate in the coming year and beyond.

Attorneys interested in volunteering their time as a judge or an attorney coach for one of the high school team participants should email the Mock Trial Program.
The Mock Trial Program is administered by the MBA, with support from the Massachusetts Bar Foundation.