Superior Court seeks comments on
Rule A(b) amendments
The Superior Court Rules and Forms Committee is soliciting comments on proposed amendments to Superior Court Rule 9A(b), Procedure for Serving and Filing Motions.
The amendments bring Rule 9A(b) into conformance with Mass. R. Civ. P. 5 and 6, as amended in 2023. Specifically, Rule 9A(b)(1)(iii), which required the parties to agree to receive service electronically, is deleted, leaving electronic service to be governed by Mass. R. Civ. P. 5(b). Also, Rule 9A(b)(3) clarifies that the three-day extension period of Mass. R. Civ. P. 6(d) applies to papers served electronically.
The proposed amendments can be found here.
Comments should be sent to alex.philipson@jud.state.ma.us, or to Alex Philipson, Legal Counsel, Massachusetts Superior Court, Three Pemberton Square, 13th Floor, Boston, MA 02108.
The deadline for submitting comments is Jan. 31, 2025.
Land Court issues notice on use of forms
The Land Court is reminding practitioners that when the Land Court has promulgated forms for tax lien foreclosure cases, use of the forms is mandatory per Land Court Rule 12. The following tax lien forms are available on the Land Court Forms page:
1. Tax Lien Complaint (updated November 2024)
2. Military Affidavit
3. Motion for General Default
4. Motion to Withdraw Complaint to Foreclose Rights of Redemption (updated November 2024)
5. Tax Lien Motion and Request for Hearing (updated February 2024)
6. Tax Lien Plaintiff Certifications (updated November 2024).
Practitioners should consult the Land Court Forms page often to ensure they are using the most up-to-date versions of the Land Court’s forms.
Following amendment of G.L. c. 60, effective Nov. 1, 2024, the Department of Revenue promulgated a new mandatory Notice of Filing Tax Lien Complaint form. This new notice must be used as of Nov. 1, 2024, not the Land Court’s prior version.
Contact the Recorder’s Office at 617-788-7450 with any questions.
Federal bankruptcy rules amended
On Dec. 1, 2024, the following Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Official Bankruptcy Forms and Director’s Forms will be amended:
- Bankruptcy Rules 1007, 4004, 5009, 7001, 8023.1 (new rule) and 9006
- Official Form 410
- Director’s Forms 1040, 2000 and 2630
Rule 1007(b)(7) will require submission of a certificate from the approved course provider to evidence completion of a course in personal financial management in lieu of an official form. Official Form 423 will be abrogated, and related docketing events will be deactivated.
In addition, the Bankruptcy Rules, Parts I through IX, have been restyled.
Information about the rule amendments can be found here. Information about the form amendments can be found here.