The Massachusetts Bar Association's 2025 High School Mock Trial Program is looking for attorneys to serve as judges at trials scheduled for January and February.
This year, the teams are presented with a civil case — Parker v. Roy. On June 25, 2023, plaintiff, Alex Parker attended a high school graduation party at the defendant Devon Roy’s house, which was attended by Payton Bolles (a minor) and others. Payton drove Alex home after the party and was involved in an accident with another car. Alex was seriously injured in the accident and is suing Devon, alleging Devon is liable for negligently furnishing the alcohol that made Payton intoxicated and caused the accident. Devon alleges that they did not furnish the alcohol that Payton drank, that Payton’s consumption of alcohol did not cause the accident, and that the operator of the other vehicle in the crash was responsible for the accident.
Signing up for trials is now even easier. If you are already registered as a judge, click here and sign up for trials. To register as a judge and then sign up for trials, click here.
Please remember to ONLY sign up for trials you do not have a conflict with. For example, do NOT sign up for a trial that might include your alma mater, or if one of your children attends that particular high school. Also, you can only judge a school once. Lastly, you CANNOT judge if you are acting as an attorney coach for a participating team.
Please note, the 2025 competition will be held in courthouses unless otherwise indicated. All trials will start between the hours of 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.
All judges will be provided case materials, a link to the Dec. 12 Judges' Orientation recording and all pertinent information in advance of the scheduled trials.