
2010 Nominating Committee issues report

Issue April 2010

Led by MBA Past President Edward W. McIntyre, the Massa-chusetts Bar Association Nominating Committee has issued its report for the 2010-11 nominations for MBA officers and regional delegates.

The committee was composed of McIntyre, MBA Past President Warren F. Fitzgerald, Mary Jo Kennedy, Christopher A. Kenney, Margaret D. Xifaras, Gina Y. Walcott and MBA Past President David W. White Jr.

Denise Squillante automatically succeeds to the office of president on Sept. 1, 2010. Pursuant to Article VII, Section 2, of the MBA Bylaws, the committee has filed with MBA Secretary Jeffrey N. Catalano the following list of other officers for 2010-11:


  • President-elect: Richard P. Campbell
  • Vice President: Jeffrey N. Catalano
  • Vice President: Douglas K. Sheff
  • Treasurer: Robert L. Holloway Jr.
  • Secretary: Marsha V. Kazarosian

Regional Delegates:

  • Region 1: Susan A. Huettner
  • Region 2: Sara J. Trezise
  • Region 3: Miriam H. Babin
  • Region 4: Veronica J. Fenton
  • Region 5: Keith A. Minoff
  • Region 6: Walter A. Costello Jr., Stephen L. Wollman
  • Region 7: Kevin G. Diamond, Lee J. Gartenberg, Patricia A. Metzer
  • Region 8: Robert W. Harnais, Julio R. Hernando
  • Region 9: Anthony J. Benedetti, Alice B. Braunstein, Denise I. Murphy, Stephen Y. Chow
  • Region 10: Margaret J. Hurley, James G. Reardon Jr.